Parent/Guardians Full Name
Parent/Guardians Email Address
Childs Full Name
Childs Age
Childs Birthday
Phone Number
Does your Child have any Medical Conditions or Allergies? YesNo
If yes, Please state any Medical Conditions or Allergies we need to know about
Please choose the type of Class or package you would like to Enrol in LJR Stars TuesdayLJR Stars WednesdayTinies Class SaturdayBalletJazzTapHip HopCommercialAcrobaticsContemporaryRadar TechniquePBTMusical TheatrePointeTroupePrivate LessonTurns ClassAcro Small GroupExam & Troupe PackageUltimate Star Package
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Is there any additional enquiries you'd like to ask?
By checking the Box below, you agree to the Conditions of Enrolment, which can be found at this link I Agree